Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am the 1%

In milk wealth.

We had our 4 month appointment on last Tuesday.  (technically he is 4 and a 1/2 months old) Dixon is very healthy and currently weighs 21lbs which puts him above the 99 percentile.  He is 25 inches in length and I can't remember his head circumference at this moment but basically he is around the 50% mark in everything but weight.

The Pediatrician said he seemed perfectly fine but she wanted him to get more tummy time.  We have been spending more time on the floor with him this week and on Friday he rolled over from his back to his stomach.  He was pretty proud of himself and since then he has been trying and trying to duplicate.  We have gotten all the way over one additional time but his pesky shoulder keeps getting in the way.  Once he is on his tummy he isn't really interested in rolling over onto his back although he does try to pull himself forward. 

Dixon continues to be very verbal.  He loves to talk to his mom and the ladies at daycare and he just laughs and laughs at his dad.   He is stringing together consonants and vowels and has starting using the mmm sound to announce his displeasure.  He is extremely well behaved and laid back most of the time.

Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday I look forward to celebrating his first holiday.

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