Friday, November 30, 2012

Football Sundays

My boys.

On Sunday Ryan watches football and we try to keep Dixon from watching the TV.  (Dixon also likes to watch football) This usually involves a ton of play time which he loves.  Ryan and Dixon have lots of bonding playtime on Sundays, which means Mommy gets a break.

Day of rest.  Thank you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Not that you can really tell from this photo but Dixon can sit now.  Before he just laid around but after he learned to roll over (back to front) he decided he wanted to learn to sit.  So he put all of that rolling over stuff on the back burner and fought to sit upright until finally voila! he sits.

He is getting pretty good at it too.  A bit wobbly at times but he puts his hands down to steady himself and has only toppled over backwards once.  Probably helps that he has such a large sitting area.

Now he wants to stand up.  Overachiever.

Monday, November 26, 2012

He Votado Hoy

 Election Day!  Dixon did not get to go to the polls.  Instead this is the day after we went to the emergency room.  We came home from work and I went to Target to pick up his medicine.  Right as I walked in an alarm went off and they evacuated the building.  So instead of picking up his medicine I went to vote while Ryan and Dixon watched the results roll in.

Our voting site is across the street from our apartment.  I waited 35 minutes in line and then over an hour to get my provisional ballot since Ryan and I had moved 5 blocks down our street from the last time we voted. The lady in charge of handling provisional ballots was terrible.  She was rude, slow and I doubt the overflowing cardboard box holding the ballots would have passed an election inspection.  After having learned a bit about the election monitors we send to other countries, I was surprised that we possibly pass any of  the rules we create for other democratic countries.  My ballot probably didn't even get counted in that mess.  Not that it matters in DC.

I'm just glad everything is over and I hope the government can focus on getting something done instead of being dicks to each other.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sick baby

Dixon has been sick for about a month now.  First we called the Pediatrician's office and she suggested a cold mist humidifier and saline gel.  We did that for about two weeks and then I called again because he was making a wheezing noise when he breathed.  She had us come in for a sick baby visit, took his blood oxygen level and then gave him a nebulizer treatment and an inhaler for home use. Dixon HATES in inhaler but we were good about giving it to him 3 to 4 times a day for the past week.  Monday he sounded awful and after chatting with his daycare ladies I decided to call the pediatrician.  She asked us to take him to emergency at Children's Hospital and off we went!

They saw him very quickly which made me quite nervous because the waiting room was pretty full.  They took his blood oxygen level again and then did a double nebulizer treatment and sent us home with another inhaler and instructions to call the pediatrician the next morning to get a in-home nebulizer kit.

Tuesday morning we went into the pediatrician's office again and they took his blood oxygen level, listened to his chest and performed another nebulizer treatment before listening to his chest again and taking his blood oxygen level one more time.  Apparently it had been so low when we got in they had been thinking we were going to need to go back to Children's and be admitted for care.  SCARY. Luckily it went up to an acceptable level and we are home with a in-home nebulizer and another visit scheduled for Friday.

Until then you can find me anxiously listening for the next breath.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hanging with Dad

Dixon just LOVES hanging out with his Dad.  Ryan can always get him to laugh.

Oh Daddy, you are so silly!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

5 months

Dixon turned 5 months at the beginning of November.  We celebrated by voting in our nation's election and going to the doctor on a sick baby visit.  

He is currently weighing in at 22 lbs and eating like a champ.  He had been sleeping up to 6 hours at a time but he is currently battling a cold so all sleep patterns have flown out the window.  He rolls over and loves to sit up, but does not like tummy time.  He can sit up from a reclining position so you have to keep your hands on him at all times.  He also continues to be very vocal and has added "bbbb" and the vowels "o" and "u" to his vocabulary.  His favorite game is to blow raspberries and to hold on to his feet whenever you try to change his diaper.  

He has started watching Mommy and Daddy eat dinner and loves to sit at the table.  We just ordered him a high chair so soon he can watch everyone else eat in preparation for trying some big kid food in the next month or so.

We love him more and more each day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm not much for Halloween.  I guess working in the theatre has kind of killed my love of costumes.  When you are surrounded by people who are pretending to be something they are not, pretending gets a little old.

However, we did make sure to "celebrate" Dixon's first Halloween.  My mom sent him a pumpkin costume and we carved a nice pumpkin.  It had the word Dixon as it's teeth.

No candy or anything but considering this is the week of the Hurricane, the election and the week he started crying for hours on end before bedtime... we did pretty well with the costume and carving.

What IS this orange thing?  Following this picture he promptly tried to put his mouth on it.