Monday, November 26, 2012

He Votado Hoy

 Election Day!  Dixon did not get to go to the polls.  Instead this is the day after we went to the emergency room.  We came home from work and I went to Target to pick up his medicine.  Right as I walked in an alarm went off and they evacuated the building.  So instead of picking up his medicine I went to vote while Ryan and Dixon watched the results roll in.

Our voting site is across the street from our apartment.  I waited 35 minutes in line and then over an hour to get my provisional ballot since Ryan and I had moved 5 blocks down our street from the last time we voted. The lady in charge of handling provisional ballots was terrible.  She was rude, slow and I doubt the overflowing cardboard box holding the ballots would have passed an election inspection.  After having learned a bit about the election monitors we send to other countries, I was surprised that we possibly pass any of  the rules we create for other democratic countries.  My ballot probably didn't even get counted in that mess.  Not that it matters in DC.

I'm just glad everything is over and I hope the government can focus on getting something done instead of being dicks to each other.

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