Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Baby!

As you read this post we are in TEXAS!!  Happy Baby!!! Among other reasons, we are in TX to visit our friends and family, see a show at The Magik Theatre and celebrate 10 years of jazz programming at KRTU 91.7 (the radio station Ryan used to manage.) 

While we are in town Dixon will celebrate 4th months.  He is VERY verbal and loves to chat with his caregivers at daycare, the other kids, his own reflection and especially his mom and dad. He is beginning to respond to his name and starting to roll over from his side to his tummy.  He still has trouble getting his butt all the way over from his back but I think as he slims down that will get easier. He really wants to sit and "stand" up. His favorite game to play with his dad is when Ryan pulls him from a prone position to a sitting position and then into standing.  He can hold his own weight on his legs but his balance is still pretty shaky.  We are still working on sleeping, and he has started to become very interested in what mom and dad are doing during mealtimes. I can't believe I no longer have an infant.

Cross your fingers the travel goes well!

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