I've been a bit busy/lazy this week. On Monday I actually came home, slept from 8pm to 9pm got up to prep Valentine's Day dinner and then went back to bed at 11 and slept through the entire night.
Tuesday we celebrated Valentine's Day by making a delicious dinner of lasagna rolls, roasted small green round object I can't remember the name of (feeling dumb today/thanks for the recipe David Morgan!), baked brie and an amazing cheesecake created by our guests. (thanks Travis and Marissa)
Wednesday I had a benefit meeting and went to work a bit early to catch up on paperwork so I worked 9 to 9 and then came home to collapse and tonight we are going to go see a few friends discuss Social Media Fundraising during Social Media DC Week. (Go Alli, Sarah and Tim!)
Friday we have opening night for CIVILIZATION at Woolly Mammoth. Exciting, but I am really not sure how I will work until midnight. yuck.
So as you can see, Widget is getting very little attention and thus, I have very little to write.