Saturday, May 5, 2012


Today we got started on nesting.  We had our crib sitting in it's box for a few weeks as we purchased it while it was on-sale at Allbee Baby but we weren't really ready to move the rest of our apartment around to accommodate it.  As we get closer and closer to our delivery date (only 5 weeks!) and since so many of the babies in my family come early, we started thinking we should probably get things situated around here and set aside Cinco de Mayo weekend to prepare.  

So today we moved furniture (or Ryan did) and tried to figure out where everything's current "final" placement should be.  Don't worry mom's- the crib is in our room not right by our main living room window where baby could get direct sunlight or strangle himself on the mini-blind cord.  (See we did learn something in baby care!)

Final pictures to come once everything looks cute.

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