Friday, April 13, 2012

Cloth Diapers

Holy cow! Cloth Diapers are overwhelming.

Even with expert advice from my amazing friend Susie, Ryan and I are a bit overwhelmed with the choices. Plus all the cloth diapering blogs are written in a private parents-only language consisting of AIO, inserts, covers, crazy snap patterns and so on.

Ryan and I would like to cloth diaper. We aren't against the 'sopsies (as the CD Blogs call them) but we like the idea of not creating so much waste. However- none of the daycares in DC will cloth diaper during the week so is it worth it to cloth diaper at night and on the weekends? Will the cost work out in our favor? I guess we can use them for the next kid if we so desire. And how do you choose which kind you like? I found a few rental places so you can rent newborn cloth diapers, they send you an assortment of brands and then you can choose the ones you want to go with. So perhaps that is an option.

And the cleaning! Some moms are REALLY fanatic about the washing and use all kinds of natural and unnatural chemicals and potions on each diaper each week. I do not know if I would have time to deal with that.

But they are cute. And I like the idea of not creating so much trash.

1 comment:

Stephie Girl said...

My friend Cindy (Morgan's mom) used the bum genius pocket diapers, and washed them with a mixture charlie's soap & oxyclean - that is all. She would tell you that it wasn't a big deal, and that hanging diapers in the sun to dry (if you have that luxury) does wonders! Let me know if you want her email, but I'm sure you're getting plenty of advice already :)