Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs


Sometimes I have one.

Sometimes I want one.

Right now I'm in the second category.

I arrived in NYC and was very worried I would not find work. Four days later I had a job with NYMF which led to a job with Lark Playwrighting and with Racoco Dance. Then I interviewed and received jobs with Ardea Arts and with NYTE. Then Sunday came and I was suddenly unemployed again.

I have applications out. I've applied to Columbia to be an SM, and I had an interview with Cirque on Tuesday. I have an interview on Friday with TheatreworksUSA as an SM. I also can call my temp agency or get fingerprinted by the NYDOE for subbing work or call the temp agency and start temping. I also have an entire word document of jobs I've found in the past week and want to apply for.

So hope is not lost.

Job searching is exhausting.

Maybe I just need some chocolate.

onward and upward, i hope.

1 comment:

Shannon Morgan said...

Perseverance, and all that. For every 10 resumes/applications you submit, you should go do something that's on your NYC to-do list. Just keep your cell on so those interviewers can interrupt you!