Monday, October 13, 2008


I realized that I hadn't updated the blog with my current job.  Not only am I working for NYTE with the Capture the Flag Festival but I am also the PSM for a concert style reading of Animal Tales with the Family Opera Initiative or Adrea Arts.  This is a family friendly 2 act musical/ opera about a collection of animals who are unsatisfied with their lot in life and go complain to their vet.  He suggests a cure (usually travel or a new experience) and they come back in the second act contented with themselves.  For those of you who experienced The Bug Opera with me last fall, it seems that animals that learn to be happy with themselves is a big theme in children's opera. 

So this week I sit around all day and then go work for Capture the Flag at nights. (Every night because they still haven't gotten another SM) But next week I work from 10 to 6 on Animal Tales and then from 6 to 10 on Capture the Flag.  I'm not really sure how that will work.  Ahh.  Adventure.

I'm still putting out resumes for all sorts of jobs.  The problem with meeting people through Sming is that then that is all they see you as.  I feel very able to be many other things but once someone meets you as an SM it's hard to break out of that mold.  Apparently good SMs are actually in short supply here and directors and producers would rather keep you as an SM than consider you for another (better paying more full time) position. 

Well- gotta keep at it.

Upward and Onward.

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