D is now over SIX MONTHS old.
Wow. That means I haven't slept more than three hours at a time in 6 months.
How am I still alive?
I'm getting big!
Yum! For me?
At six months D is still incredibly verbal. He loves to talk and be talked too. The ladies at his daycare LOVE him because he is so easy going and smiley. He is sitting up alone and can lean to the sides to reach for various toys. He loves playing with his feet and has some solid ideas about what he likes and doesn't like in terms of games. His dad can always make him laugh.
We started feeding him a few weeks before he turned 6 months because he spent mealtimes staring down our forks and he really enjoys "real" food. We started with rice cereal and applesauce but have since progressed into green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. He has also gnawed on some asparagus and broccoli rabe. He really enjoys being able to pick food up and put it into his own month so we will probably do a mix of baby led and purees.
We also started some sleep training and I have to say it isn't easy. If he could stay up with us all night he would, so we are trying to teach him that bed is awesome. So far he isn't convinced.
Weight- 22lbs
Length- 27inches
Cuteness factor- 100%